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Therapeutic Enrichment





Our therapeutic enrichment offer at Cury School is designed to provide students with a holistic approach to personal growth and development through a diverse range of activities and interventions. Our aim is to support students in building essential life skills including communication, collaboration, and emotional regulation which in turn, aims to support academic achievement. By engaging in therapeutic interventions, outdoor learning, enterprise projects, and community enrichment, we aim to offer students opportunities to develop social skills, enhance self-confidence, and foster positive emotional and behavioural outcomes. The integrated nature of our offer ensures that each student can experience tailored support that aligns with their individual needs and strengths. 

Our therapeutic enrichment programme is carefully structured to provide a variety of therapeutic and educational experiences that promote emotional well-being and practical life skills.  

Therapy Interventions 

Pupils will have daily therapeutic opportunities both on the school site and in the wider community. Therapy sessions will be planned to meet the areas of need outlined within each pupil’s EHCP. Our therapeutic enrichment is a universal offer and will be delivered either individually or in small groups. The interventions will be designed and delivered by fully trained staff and external professionals which address emotional regulation, resilience, social interaction, and self-awareness. After being delivered for a set amount of time, the impact of each intervention will be reviewed against pupil’s personal learning goals. The sessions included in our therapeutic enrichment offer are outlined below: 

  • Rebound therapy 

  • Play therapy 

  • Art therapy 

  • Sensory intervention 

  • Lego therapy 

  • Equine therapy  

  • Movement therapy 

  • Sensory regulation 

  • South bath and mindfulness 

  • Music therapy  

  • Surf therapy 

  • The Sailing Trust at Trevassack Lake 

  • Animal assisted intervention 

Wild Outdoors 

Our Wild Outdoors offer is a unique educational approach that takes children outdoors on the school site and in the wider community to learn through practical, hands-on experiences in nature. Pupils are encouraged to explore and develop interests allowing them to become curious, independent and creative learners. Pupils work together on tasks that encourage communication, problem-solving, and respect for others. Our holistic approach to outdoor learning helps pupils to understand and appreciate the importance of nature and the environment. Wild Outdoors will include cross curricular links as pupils have opportunities to develop in other areas such as maths, physical education and scientific enquiry. Pupils will engage in a range of regular outdoor learning and activities as part of their universal provision including:  

  • Nature exploration and observation 

  • Nature-based Play 

  • Building projects  

  • Art using natural materials  

  • Caring for the environment 

  • Mindfulness and mental health 

  • Horticulture and planting  

  • Fire safety  

  • Woodland craft  

  • Beach skills and safety  

Community Enrichment 

Community enrichment will be incorporated as a priority to give students a sense of purpose and connection with their local environment, encouraging them to practice sharing, turn-taking, and collaboration while building confidence and familiarity in real-world settings.  

  • Swimming 

  • SUP boarding 

  • Beach visits 

  • Hosting events in school 

  • Links with local farms 

  • Local community projects  

Enterprise Projects 

We recognise enterprise as an invaluable building block in our students’ holistic development. We embrace and aim to embed enterprise education in our curriculum offer, particularly as we are impassioned about nurturing these crucial skills and attitudes in our pupils. We integrate elements into maths, IT, design and other subjects. This can give real-life context to problems and projects that students face. Projects can last several weeks or may last an entire school term or year. Each week, the group or children will meet as part of their enterprise enrichment and make decisions about their business such as the initial idea, the roles of members, production and delivery of the product or service, pricing and profit sharing! Life-skills including cooking, money handling, and leadership are taught through enterprise projects which offer pupils hands-on opportunities to learn practical skills, while also fostering independence, responsibility, and teamwork. We value our enterprise offer as it enables our pupils to be more open to alternative solutions to problems, and encourages them to try new things and be prepared to fail .This we believe enables them to remain curious about life and support them to develop a positive growth mindset .Our enterprise project enrichment activities provide meaningful encounters and help our young people develop the skills and understanding they need for their future and independence. Pupils work together to complete projects that are linked to their curriculum learning, allowing them to make links between knowledge and skills taught. Examples of these enterprise projects include: 

  • Cooking/baking projects/ Fund raising events 

  • Fates/festivals/ Challenges 

  • Tuck shop enterprise 

  • Science fair events 

  • Wild Outdoor projects such as den building or being involved with developing areas of our school community and organising events related to the projects. 

  • Hosting events or performances in school or local community. 

  • Game creations 

  • Money sense – saving and budgeting  

This therapeutic offer will support pupil’s progress through their EHCP and PLG targets and will be measurable through wellbeing including Motional assessments. Pupils will also make good academic progress due to improved social, emotional and mental health and skills gained including problem solving, resilience and emotional regulation. The hands-on nature of the activities will support students in gaining practical life skills while building their confidence and self-esteem. Therapy interventions will offer students valuable tools to manage emotions, support sensory needs, cope with challenges, and improve their relationships with peers and adults. Additionally, the inclusion of outdoor projects and community enrichment will help students feel a greater sense of belonging in our school and community, encouraging positive engagement with the world around them. Ultimately, the holistic approach of this enrichment programme will provide students with the foundation they need to navigate both academic and social challenges, setting them up for long-term success and well-being.